
How It Works 3 Important Steps to Establishing Life Long Wellness and Your Ideal Body Weight



Click the link below to setup your virtual Discovery Call consult.  A calendar will share days and times that are available. During this 15-minute Discovery Call we will discuss where you are with your health, what you wish to improve and your options.  All communication is on a secure and safe HIPAA compliant platform:  HEALTHIE


Enjoy a FREE Virtual Consult

Personalized wellness is important and includes what you, the client, believes will best fit your needs. Your next steps are critical in realizing your wellness vision, therefore it is important to make sure we are on the same page and able to work together.  Cost Effective Health offers three plans to choose from to place you in the driver’s seat.


Best Fit Selection

Post FREE Discovery Call, you will receive an email from us to create an account in our secured wellness platform, HEALTHIE.  You will be asked to complete a series of intake forms that will support the discovery conversation to start your personalized wellness journey!  If you wish to skip the FREE consult, please go to the package details below with payment links.

For your free download enter a name and a vaild email then submit.

5 Day Positive Planning for Healthy Weight Loss Journey

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Diet Smoothie Recipes
Smoothie Recipes Quick and Easy Breakfasts and Snacks.

At CostEffectiveHealth.com our smoothie recipes are sure to please.  Our custom diet plans include vegetable based and fruit based smoothies to aid in reaching your diet management goals.

Diet Lean Protein & Vegetables
Lean Protein & Vegetables Hi-Volume & Low-Calorie = Satisfied

We have recipe options that are Simple, Tasty and Creative.  During our discovery call and customized lifestyle plan creation we will determine the best options for you to consider.

Diet Healthy Dinners
Super-Easy Healthy Meal Planning A Real Plan That'll Help You Lose Weight.

Our super-easy meal plans come with both the recipes and shopping list. We believe a better path to long term wellness incorporates your engagement and enthusiasm.  Let’s reach your healthy  goals together!

Cost Effective Health Works! Testimonials from Clients who are on Their Lifetime Path in Wellness

Cost Effective Health Success Story Get inspired by Kristine and her amazing, real-life success story.

“I sought out Alicia because I needed to lower my very high cholesterol levels and asked her if she could help me.  With Alicia’s guidance I began an easy program of preparing and eating healthy delicious food. I combined this with some beach walking and kayaking.  To my surprise not only did I lower my cholesterol but I lost 25 pounds in the process, which is not easy for a 59 year old! I’ve learned how to cook nutritious delicious healthy food for me and my family. I can’t believe how many new kinds of fruits and vegetables I have added into my diet! I really thought I was eating healthy but I was not. I needed Alicia to educate me on this and she did as she guided me into my new and much improved adopted lifestyle. I appreciate what Alicia has taught me, health is so important and it’s never too late to change years of bad habits.”

Watch Facebook Live Recipe Tips & Tricks: @COST EFFECTIVE RD

Testimonials From Satisfied Clients

Alicia was absolutely amazing! She really took the time to get to know me and what I liked and didn’t like to create a specific plan that would work for me. Something that I could truly stick with. When something wasn’t working, she changed it up. She was incredibly responsive and I always felt like I could reach out whenever I felt a weak moment coming on. I am still using her plan, her support and her advice today!

DG from Florida

Planning meals for a week seemed impossible to accomplish.     I was frustrated and felt not capable.  I was on an unfulfilled path and had ZERO energy because I was not eating well.  I like to use the weekly meal plans that Alicia and I created together. Now I can make a change here and there and decide on timing!  Voila, I am making my own shopping list, cooking more at home and feeling better because I am nourishing my body properly.  Alicia has broad knowledge for balanced meals and proper nutrition.  I would recommend ongoing and frequent follow-ups to see what works and what didn’t to improve a personalized wellness plan.

HC from Michigan

I wasn’t sure if personalized nutrition planning with Alicia would help me.  However, I was desperate to get healthy as I have so many diets during my life.  No weight ever stayed off.  I was scared this process might be the same, but I committed to the process.  Halfway through the process, I lost 9 pounds just by eating healthy and not being on a diet and really buying into being active daily.  I found I enjoy becoming healthier and in the process I stopped lying to myself.  Alicia is kind, encouraging and super knowledgeable about nutrition .  She also will try to see you when you feel like you need to see her quickly and she responds quickly to Healthie online chatting to questions or concerns.  I am excited to learn more from her.

MB from Florida

What Does The Cost Effective RD Programming Include? From healthy meal plans to S.M.A.R.T. goals with accountability tracking, we will tailor a customized plan for you to LIVE and LOVE for a lifetime.

Meal Plans
Healthy Meal Plans

STOP the confusion on what to eat!  Our packages include meal plans with grocery shopping lists, recipes and nutrition information.  Training and Support is provided along the way so you can continue for a lifetime.  Customizable options available.

Diet Diagnosis

Not sure what is working and what is not?  Together we will work together to determine your triggers and decisions that cause you not to live a life in wellness. We work on finding positive, measurable steps that lead to long term success.

Weight Controlling
Weight Management

Learn to live a life without restrictive, difficult dieting. Together, we will create a path for long term weight management.  Our goal is to prevent a lifetime of Yo-Yo and hurtful fad dieting practices.

Body Measuring
Goal & Habit Tracking

Making new habits while getting rid of the old unhealthy ones is a battle.  Tracking and Accountability with a licensed, registered dietitian makes all the difference.  This connection will support and promote your progress.  Measured and reliable can make all the difference.

Great Value Low Prices Get personalized wellness plans and support to help you lose the weight

Standard 2 Month Package
Meal Plan4
Mobile App
In-App Recipe Club
Diet Analysis
Custom Activity Plan
Custom Shopping List
Unlimited Chat
Personal Diet Coach4 Sessions
Advance 3 month package
Meal Plan6
Mobile App
In-App Recipe Club
Diet Analysis
Custom Activity Plan
Custom Shopping List
Unlimited Chat
Personal Diet Coach6 Sessions
BONUS V.I.P. 90 Minute Consult
Premier 5 month package
Meal Plan8
Mobile App
In-App Recipe Club
Diet Analysis
Custom Activity Plan
Custom Shopping List
Unlimited Chat
Personal Diet Coach10 Sessions
BONUS V.I.P. 90 Minute Consult

What’s the best diet for weight loss?

The response everyone would like to read is “IF you eat this and not that, you will become the perfect weight for the rest of your life”. Fortunately, (yes, fortunately), the perfect way IS to live using an personalized plan to reach a your individual wellness goals and comfortable weight.  Sure, there are guidelines based on current health research diets, basic bio-metric measurements and lifestyle habits. However, the end outcome and how healthy you are for a lifetime must be an individualized plan that a registered dietitian can create with you.

Is there a list of foods that promote a strong immune system?

To pick only the best and to stay on the right course with eating healthy DOES NOT guarantee prevention of disease and illness.  Instead it is PART of putting the odds in your FAVOR for prevention. Nutrition wraps around and works to promote your body’s immune system so it can be at its best immunologically.   So basically, nutrition and what you eat is part of the BIG PICTURE for a healthy immune system.  Each of the following six types of compounds work together to help you have the best nutritionally and you should look to include foods that contain them regularly.  The foods you choose should be rich in vitamins, phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics & prebiotics.  Not one type of food or food group will be rich in all six of these types of compounds, therefore it is important to follow BALANCE, VARIETY and MODERATION when creating an weekly meal plan and grocery list.

How can I raise my children to be healthy eaters?

Parents who want their children to be healthfully can benefit by focusing on being good role models.  That does not mean you have to be a perfect eater and athlete, but it means you have to lead by example and help you children learn how to make balanced, decisions to nourish their body and minds.  Planning, shopping, cooking and playing together as a family is a great way to promote sound, healthy habits and lifestyles. What a parent does behaviorally and physically is more powerful than anything they can ever say to their children.

Do you recommend a vegetarian diet?

There is strong evidence to support eating a diet that contains a larger portion of plant based foods may promote a healthier life with less opportunity for chronic disease impacts.  Consuming whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts are all excellent fiber rich and nutrient dense plant based foods.  Getting enough protein in a diet is not as difficult as it used to be for vegetarians.  There are so many more options in the grocery stores and in restaurants today than 20 years ago.  However, a vegetarian must plan to address some of the short comings of our body’s natural processes to use animal sourced nutrients more efficiently than plant based sources.  An example, iron coming from animal sources may be better absorbed than the iron coming from plants sources.  Also, vitamin B12 supplementation might be needed as vitamin B12 is found only in animal products. I am a firm believer that the individual must determine what they choose to nourish their body.  By honoring my client’s belief structure and educating them with facts, they are able to create and live a well life eating what they enjoy with or without eating animal products.

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    Meet Our Qualified Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist Alicia Cost, MS RDN LDN

    Living in the present while working on the future.

    In my past, I struggled with listening to my body’s needs because they were in conflict with the ever changing  dieting advice in the world.  I learned as a young teen to count calories and food points, believed only tiny girls were beautiful and being athletic looking was less than ideal.  I tried for years to become tiny through restrictive dieting, exercising and wishful thinking.  The more I tried, the more I stayed the same or increased in size.  Over time with practice, patience and the scientific knowledge as a registered dietitian, I made peace with my internal struggle and began to really apply what I knew to be true about wellness.  I re-framed my perspective and I grew comfortable with my well nourished 5’9″ muscular body.

    Daily, I positively approach my relationship with eating and activity habits.   I continuously learn to listen, apply and reflect on changes as I age.  My comfort and understanding promotes obtainment of lifelong habits that I enjoy with energy, positivity, and fulfillment.  As a result, I am dedicated and passionate about helping others who seek a positive, nourishing, active non-dieting lifestyle.  I know how difficult it can be to navigate the constant, convoluted dieting world without support.  I am honored to be able and available to help others on this trek.

    When someone becomes my client, my goal is to focus and provide support in order to build a strong working relationship.  With this we can get where we wish to be in the quest for positive body image, increased energy level and nourishing habits together.  Mental and physical well-being is a priority, therefore a personalized wellness plan for the overall improvement of realistic, desired outcomes is essential. Plans that contain a wide range of wellness goals to attain while working together are key to our success together.  If the goal is comfort with your personal wellness, then I, Alicia Cost, can assist you on this path!

    If you have any questions or need additional information, please get in touch with us!

    ``The greatest wealth is health`` -Virgil